Royal Engineers No 1 Printing Company/ IWM via Getty Images
Royal Engineers No 1 Printing Company/ IWM via Getty Images
This World War I timeline of battles outlines the most important engagements of the 1914-1918 war, from the first Battle of Mons to the final 1918 armistice.
When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia in 1914, each of their allies quickly joined the fight.
World War I’s legacy of debt, protectionism and crippling reparations set the stage for a global economic disaster.
These World War I inventions made life easier during—and after—the war.
The Harlem Hellfighters were an African-American infantry unit in WWI who spent more time in combat than any other American unit. Despite their courage, sacrifice and dedication to their country, they returned home to face racism and segregation from their fellow countrymen.
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