Down East Dickering

In “down east” Maine, a group of colorful locals known as “dickerers” live on their own terms–no time clocks, no bosses, no rules. How? By scouring Uncle Henry’s, a local magazine filled with classified ads, and wheeling and dealing their way through its pages of odd jobs, crazy barters, offbeat goods and other jaw-dropping ways to make a quick buck.

About the Show

They come from Down East Maine. Knocking and talking, wheeling and dealing, swapping and trading–dickering–is a way of life for these guys. Their bible is Uncle Henry’s, a magazine of classified ads that comes out every Thursday and is filled with opportunities–if you know where to find them.

Down East Dickering follows five groups who depend on Uncle Henry’s to spot a deal, distinguish trash from treasure, fix up and sell/swap, and try to do it quicker than the next guy. Each group has different strategies, strengths and weaknesses. But the common goal is always to make more than they spend and leave time to enjoy life and their hobbies on their own terms.

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