Frank Micelotta/Getty Images
Frank Micelotta/Getty Images
Timothy McVeigh developed his suspicion of government authority at a young age—but two pivotal events pushed him over the edge.
The Persian Gulf War, or Operation Desert Storm, began in 1991 after President Saddam Hussein of Iraq ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait.
Born in the ashes of World War II, the currency used by 19 European countries went into effect on January 1, 1999.
In the 1990s, hysteria over Ty Inc's $5 plush toys fed a wave of theft, fraud and market manipulation. Values soared—then plummeted.
Learn about the Waco Siege and how cult leader David Koresh lived as a polygamist among his Branch Davidian followers at the Mount Carmel Center. Discover the 51-day siege, which ended in a deadly FBI raid on April 19, 1993.
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