Dirck Halstead/Getty Images
Dirck Halstead/Getty Images
Power dressing. ’Eatertainment.’ Fad toys that sparked near-riots. Which trends did you participate in?
Health officials first became aware of AIDS in the summer of 1981, but U.S. leaders remained largely silent for four years.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was made worse when Soviet authorities initially denied the event and then acted slowly to contain it.
The president and Congress clashed over welfare, crime, defense spending and whether to fund Contras in Nicaragua.
Seventy three seconds after take off the Space Shuttle Challenger encounters unexpected disaster. Find out more in this clip from Season 1, "Challenger Disaster."
6:57 watch
On August 1, 1981, MTV: Music Television went on the air for the first time, with the words “Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll.” The channel went on to revolutionize the music industry and become an influential source of pop culture and entertainment in the U.S.