Episodes for this season are currently unavailable on our site.

 1 The Railsplitter
S 1 E 1

The Railsplitter

Aired on Feb 20, 2022

Through a poverty-ridden childhood on the American frontier, Abraham Lincoln is determined to leave his mark on the world. He rises to become President of a nation on the verge of tearing itself apart.

 2 A President at War
S 1 E 2

A President at War

Aired on Feb 21, 2022

With the Civil War fully underway, Abraham Lincoln is forced to quickly learn how to manage a military as Commander in Chief. He comes to see only one path through the war: Emancipation.

 3 Saving the Union
S 1 E 3

Saving the Union

Aired on Feb 22, 2022

As casualties mount in the raging Civil War, Abraham Lincoln seeks a general who can end it once and for all. When the end draws near, he begins to think about what comes next for the nation and its former slaves.

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