On September 22, a week after the court heard Daniel’s deposition, Scott was hanged on Salem’s Gallows Hill, along with seven other accused witches. It would be the last day of executions that year, as public opinion had begun to turn against the trials, which would end for good in 1693.
Burns, who was the associate editor of 2009 book “Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt,” told HISTORY that of the nine original documents to have surfaced from Scott’s trial, two are in the Essex County Court Archive (housed at the Peabody-Essex Museum), and four were discovered at the Boston Public Library in 2012. The original of one court document, transcribed by Thomas Gage in an 1840 history of Rowley, has yet to surface.
According to Burns, the two remaining documents—Daniel’s deposition and the original indictment against Scott—had been circulating among private collectors until they were both purchased by the Eric C. Caren Collection in the 1980s. The deposition was among over 100 items from the Caren Collection in the Christie’s auction; a second Salem-related item, an advertisement for Cotton Mather’s account of the trials published in The Athenian Mercury in December 1692-January 1693, went for $1,375.
Here’s the full text of the Mary Daniel deposition, courtesy Christie’s:
I was taken very ill again all over & felt a great pricking in ye soles of my feet, and after a while I saw apparently the shape of Margret Scott, who, as I was sitting in a chair by ye fire pulled me with ye chair, down backward to ye ground, and tormented and pinched me very much, and I saw her go away at ye door, in which fit I was dumb and so continued till ye next morning, finding a great load and heaviness upon my tongue …
There appeared to me the shape of some woman, who seemed to look and speak most fiercely and angrily, and beat, pinch’d and afflicted me very sorely telling me I should not have said so, or told such things & to yt purpose … In some of ye fits yt I had afterwards, I was senseless and knew not yt I saw who it was yt afflicted me. In one fitt (upon ye beginning it) I thought I saw Goodw Jackson, and widow Scott come walking into the chamber with yr staves, one of ym came & sat upon me so yt I could not stir … In another fitt I saw ye appearance of sd Scott in ye room who afflicted me, and being speechless, I continued so, untill I went to ye sd Scott, who taking me by ye hand, I had ye liberty of speech again as formerly. The last fitt I had was upon ye last Sabbth day, in which I saw ye shapes of four women or five, of whom widow Scott was one, ye rest I knew not, nor knew yt any did hurt me, unless sd widow Scott.