Alexander The Great
Alexander the Great was known as charismatic, ruthless, brilliant and bloodthirsty. His thirteen-year reign as king of Macedonia changed the course of both European and Asian history.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle tutored the teenage Alexander during Phillip II’s reign. Scholars have attributed Alexander’s diplomatic skills and habit of carrying books with him on his military campaigns to Aristotle’s influence.
Alexander took the throne at age 20 after his father’s assassination. He quickly harnessed the military forces of the Hellenic League, assembling an army of more than 43,000 infantry and 5,500 cavalry.
In 334 B.C., he led the Macedonian army across the narrow straights of the Hellespont (today called the Dardanelles) into northwest Turkey. In one long military campaign that lasted 11 years, he conquered the Persian Empire, making Macedonia the largest, most powerful empire in the world.
Alexander the Great’s Macedonian Empire spanned from Greece to India. He died of unknown causes in 323 B.C. in the ancient city of Babylon, in modern-day Iraq. He was just 32 years old.
Alexander the Great had no direct heirs, and the Macedonian Empire quickly crumbled after his death. Military generals divided up the Macedonian territory in a series of civil wars.
Ancient Greek biographers at the time, including Plutarch, surmised that Alexander had been poisoned, though modern medical historians suggest he may have died of natural causes, which could have included malaria or an abdominal infection (brought on by heavy drinking).
Macedonian Arts and Sciences
Ancient Macedonia was a culture rich in artistic achievements and scientific advances. Aristotle, considered by some the father of western philosophy, may have composed some of his most important works during the reign of Alexander the Great, including treatises on physics and metaphysics (a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of reality).
The period after Alexander’s death, known as the Hellenistic Period, was one of extravagance and wealth throughout much of the Greek world. Places of entertainment and leisure, such as parks and theaters, proliferated.
A style of Greek drama called New Comedy became popular. Unlike earlier Greek comedies, which parodied public figures and events, New Comedy focused on the fictional trials of average citizens.
Alexandria, an ancient Egyptian town thought to be founded by Alexander the Great, became a major hub of science during this period as well. Greek mathematician Euclid, who taught in Alexandria, founded the study of geometry with his mathematical treatise The Elements.
In one of the tombs at Aigai, the so-called tomb of Persephone, archaeologists uncovered a wall painting showing Hades’ abduction of Persephone to the underworld. It’s one of few existing depictions of mystic views of the afterlife from this period of Greek history.
Archaeological Discoveries
Archaeologists began to explore the ancient kingdom of Macedonia in the late 19th century while the region was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.
Soldiers fighting on the Macedonian Front along the Greek border during World War I uncovered ancient Macedonian artifacts while digging trenches. British and French forces on the Macedonian Front employed archaeologists to work alongside troops in the trenches, occasionally using Bulgarian prisoners of war as workmen for their excavations. They unearthed dozens of prehistoric, Bronze Age burial mounds.
The city of Vergina, in northern Greece, is home to the most important ancient Macedonian archaeological site: the ruins of Aigai. The monumental palace uncovered there is considered one of the biggest, most lavish buildings of ancient Greece with colorful mosaics and elaborate stucco ornamentation.
The site contains more than 500 burial mounds dating from the eleventh to second century B.C.
In 1977, researchers discovered the tombs of four Macedonian kings, including Phillip II, under a burial mound called the Great Tumulus. Scientists matched a massive hole in one of the leg bones uncovered there to a crippling lance wound Phillip had suffered during one of his early military campaigns.