This exchange helped earn these women the nickname “tobacco wives,” and has also led to allegations that the Virginia Company “sold” these women. However, unlike the Africans who began arriving in Jamestown in 1619, no one bought or sold these English women. In fact, for women who couldn’t afford a good dowry to attract a husband, becoming a tobacco wife was a fairly attractive option.
“Women of all classes except the vagrant poor attempted to amass a dowry to attract a husband,” writes Nancy Egloff, a historian at the Jamestown Settlement in Williamsburg, Virginia (Jamestown’s new Tenacity exhibit highlights the tobacco wives as part of a 400-year commemoration of significant events in 1619). “However, it seems that if a family sent their daughter overseas, they absolved themselves of the need to provide a dowry for [her].”
Little is know about the first group of 90 brides, but Egloff says that some of the 56 women in the second group had lost both of their parents, meaning that they didn’t have a good chance of amassing a suitable dowry to entice a husband. At least 16 women in this second group had worked “in service” to other English households in order to amass a dowry, meaning that they hadn’t had a good one in the first place.
Choosing to become a tobacco wife certainly came with risks. After all, these women were joining a settlement that was violently forcing Native people off of their own land, and those people were fighting back.
“It’s hard to say how many [tobacco wives] survived… Once they got here, the record often will just dry up,” Elgoff says. “Some of them were killed in the 1622 Indian attack, but some of them were taken prisoner in that attack too, and then were ransomed back again.” Many Jamestown settlers also died from starvation and disease.
Even so, the Virginia Company’s offer seemed like a good deal for English women who didn’t have any good marriage prospects at home. Most of the women who sailed to Jamestown through the program married a man within three months. Although many Americans today may think it odd to marry a stranger that quickly, it wasn’t unusual at the time.
“It’s something that a lot of people are fascinated with, the idea of promising to marry a stranger,” Yablon-Zug says. “It’s so antithetical to how we view marriage these days… [But] what these women were doing wasn’t that different than what they would probably have done if they stayed home.” Marriage in 17th century Britain was an economic necessity, and in “most cases, they weren’t going to be marrying for love anyway.”