Aftershock: Beyond The Civil War

Despite common belief, the Civil War does not end in 1865.


Despite common belief, the Civil War does not end in 1865, and the blood of many Americans continues to flow freely. It is a period known as “Reconstruction.” America is supposed to be reuniting and healing its wounds, but what emerges is a picture of murder, terrorism and chaos as “free” black men and women remain enslaved by a South that does not completely surrender. Insurgencies led by ex-Confederate soldiers rip through every southern state. America’s first terrorist group, the Ku Klux Klan, is formed. Hundreds are butchered in citywide race riots, like the infamous New Orleans Massacre of 1866. Counter-insurgency groups form, like the Lowry Gang, who fights a guerilla-style battle against Confederates and northern carpetbaggers like D.P. Upham, who battles the Klan in Arkansas. All Americans feel the Civil War’s aftershocks for years, while some believe its tremors are felt even today.

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